The Memorials Foundation

The separate Memorials Foundation was formally established by the General Membership in 1997 and incorporated as an IRS 501(c)(3) assuming the memorials role previously filled by the 2nd Indianhead Division Association as a whole.

For more than 100 years, the 2nd Indianhead Division Association has been honoring its fallen warriors in ways big and small. One of our most visible tributes is in the Second Infantry Division Memorial in Washington, D.C. The Memorial was last modified in 1962 to honor those who died fighting in World War II and the Korean War. Now, it's time to pay tribute to the 2ID Warriors who died during the Korean DMZ/Cold War era and in recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Project Development

In 2014, the 2ID Memorials Foundation sought approval from the National Park Service (NPS) to make minor modifications to the Second Infantry Division Memorial in Washington, DC, to honor the fallen warriors of the Korean DMZ/Cold War era, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Park Service concluded that modifications required Congressional approval. Approval came in early 2018. The Foundation worked with renowned architectural firm, Beyer Blinder Belle, to develop design options. Late in 2019, the Foundation received design concept approval from NPS and other federal oversight committees. Construction drawings were done preparing for the next step -- receipt of federal permits.

Help us Remember and Honor our Fallen Heroes

The funds raised go toward the 2ID Memorial Modification Project target of $2.7 million and we need your help.